Muay thai legend Buakaw keeps Man Utd promise


Thai boxing legend Buakaw Banchamek shaved his head on Thursday, fulfilling a promise he made about the English Premier League match between Liverpool and Manchester United last Sunday.

The boxer had announced on Facebook that he would shave his head if his favourite team, Manchester United, did not lose to the current EPL title holders. The match ended 0-0 and Buakaw duly kept his promise by sporting a new bald look on Thursday.

Surin-born Buakaw, 38, is among the most feared fighters ever to have graced a muay thai ring. His lethal combination of precision, power and pressure fighting have earned him titles as Omnoi Stadium champion (twice), Lumpinee Stadium champion, No 1-ranked fighter in Lumpinee Stadium, Thailand featherweight champion, K-1 World MAX champion (twice) and 2011 and 2012 Thai Fight tournament champion.