AIS decides against participating in 900 MHz spectrum auction


Advanced Info Service Plc(AIS) has informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) that the company has decided not to participate in the 900 MHz spectrum license auction hosted by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) on October 20. 

AIS added that this decision would not affect the company’s competitive advantage as the management has reviewed all possible consequences carefully and thoroughly. 
AIS is currently the leader in telecom services and digital technology and possesses the most bandwidth in the industry granted by the NBTC. With the roaming bandwidth from TOT, AIS’s total spectrum amounts to 120 MHz (60 MHz x 2). Its 1800 MHz yields the widest bandwidth at 40 MHz (20 MHz x 2), enabling more than 40 million AIS subscribers to benefit from superior data service at the highest efficiency while also allowing for future growth. 
AIS also said that the current amount of bandwidth aligns with the company’s strategic planning in preparation for 5G technology.