A suspicious proliferation of far-right views 


Readers of The Nation’s letters page might be familiar with regular contributors, like myself, Eric Bahrt, Dr Frank, Vint Chavala and others. Some of the letters we send have, for example, completely demolished the half-baked far-right dissembling of JC Wilcox and shown it for what it is.

But, supporting the unsupportable, we have various contributors praising Mr Wilcox’s so-called wisdom to the high heavens. What is noticeable is that these people come and then they mysteriously go. John De Laurent and Alf Haupt, for example, and now we have Mr Nigel Pike’s efforts. JC’s footprint is all over these submissions, which take care to include JC’s name as often as possible. Bit of a give-away.
Apart from insulting the collective intelligence of the readers, these creations smack of desperation and are not particularly clever as a smokescreen. Yesterday’s unnecessary attack on John S for noting that “The letters page continues to air fascist nonsense” (“Who are the real fascists?”) is the latest example of this. 
I am all for everyone giving their opinions, but not to the extent of glorifying extremism.  
I and probably others now wait for the usual contrary blather by some or all of the above to try to deny the obvious. There may well be a sudden increase of letters by these aliases now I think.
Simon Ordsall