Bangkok decides on 5 measures to tackle new infections quickly


The Subcommittee for Resolving the Covid-19 Situation in Bangkok approved new guidelines on Thursday for treating infected people as quickly as possible.

Those who have been assessed and have moderate symptoms or are at risk of more severe symptoms will be referred to a hospital, field hospital or a specialised hospital as soon as possible, initially set for no more than 12 hours.

Those who will be referred to hospital for treatment should have the following symptoms:

1. A fever higher than 39 degrees Celsius lasting more than 24 hours.

2. An oxygen saturation value less than 94 per cent.

3. Breathing faster than 25 breaths per minute (for adults).

4. Those aged more than 60 years, patients with seven underlying diseases, and women who are 12 weeks pregnant or more.

5. Children with symptoms as described in items 1-2, with difficulty breathing or rapid breathing, drowsiness, and no interest in eating.


If a person is asymptomatic or has mild symptoms, he/she will be asked to go into home isolation. Medical staff will deliver medicines and necessary items within 24 hours.