A Vietnamese man with pink passion


Phan Van Chanh, a 69-year-old man living in Phu Nhuan District in HCM City, has adorned his house and household items with pink.

He started this work in 2021 at the time of the lockdown for Covid-19, and he was retired.

He said that painting his house and household items pink partly stems from a desire that through this, his life could become brighter and help him forget about past sorrows.

A Vietnamese man with pink passion

VNS Photo Hồng Linh

Additionally, he said that there are many torn bags hanging on the fences in front of his house, which makes the front fence smell bad and look unattractive. 

Therefore, he has decided to recycle plastic bottles he buys or receives into eye-catching pink flower pots to hang on the front fence.

He carries out this task every day with the goal of eventually covering the front fence of his house with greenery.

A Vietnamese man with pink passion

Each morning, he waters those plants at 3 am. This is to avoid watering the plants during times that might contribute to traffic congestion in the neighbourhood.

He said that through this, he wants to spread positive energy and make his neighbourhood cleaner and more beautiful.

Viet Nam News

Asia News Network

A Vietnamese man with pink passion