Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


Who’s to say that the digital age and spiritual belief cannot go hand in hand? Thailand has been known as a buddhist country to the extent that it has been stated so in its constitution.

Buddhism followers in Thailand have also been known to collect and trade holy totems known as amulets or phra-krueng (พระเครื่อง) in the native tongue. Each amulet is mostly made to be a resemblance of late famous monks in the past. It is held in a strong spiritual belief that carrying and worshiping the amulets will enhance the luck of the owners, which different amulets are believed to enhance luck in different aspects e.g. wealth, relationship and health. The belief regarding the amulet has been passed down from generations to generations of Thai Buddhists, which, in turn, created markets to trade and sell amulets. 

ENNXO, Thai online classified ads platform, sees a growing market of people buying and selling amulets online and decides to join in. As we’re in the online era, ENNXO believes that the same can also be done with the amulet and spiritual totems market as well. Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19, the platform said it has seen a massive growth in the online amulet category on its platform. The platform states that, on the recent trend, customers are searching for the amulets that will bring one fortune or luck based on one’s birthdate (day of the week). For example, if you’re born on Monday and carry some specific amulets, it is believed that it’ll bring you more fortunes than holding some other amulets.


People born on Monday are believed to be humbled and loved by people; however, they tend to overthink the situation and can be easily swayed if not careful. It is believed that carrying an amulet that has a resemblance of a long-ear monk (phra-hoo-yarn or พระหูยาน in the native tongue) will help mitigate the downside. 

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


In the belief, people born on Tuesday tend to be brave, proud and decisive; however, they tend to be very hot-tempered. Followers believe that if people born on Tuesday carry around phra-som-dej (พระสมเด็จ), it will help calm the holders from provocations. 

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


People born on Wednesday tend to be very friendly, kind-hearted and direct; however, by their nature of being kind-hearted, they tend to be taken advantage of. Carrying an amulet phra-lee-laa (พระลีลา) is believed to keep the people looking to take advantage away.

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


People born on Thursday are believed to be intelligent and knowledge-seeking. That said, by their nature of being intelligent, they tend to be ignorant to what other people think and tend to believe only themselves. It is recommended that people born on Thursday should carry an amulet phra-ruang (พระร่วง).

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


It is believed that people born on Friday tend to be well-mannered, respectful and gentle, but they tend to be sulky when their gentleness is not well received. The followers born on Friday tend to carry eyes-covered amulet, phra-pid-ta (พระปิดตา). 

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


Being born on Saturday is believed to be risk-seeking, thrill-seeking and a little egocentric. In order to mitigate the downsides from seeking risks, it is recommended to carry phra-luang-pu-tuad (หลวงปู่ทวด). Amulet luang-pu-tuad (พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่ทวด) is believed to keep harms away from the holders.

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet market


It is believed that people born Sunday tend to be ambitious and proactive; however, their proactiveness usually comes with the low ability to focus on a single task for a long period of time. To mitigate that, it is recommend that people born on Sunday to should carry phra-khun-phan (พระขุนแผน) or phra-kring (พระกริ่ง).

Thai classified ads platform ENNXO tapping online amulet marketพระเครื่อง