Organizations, grasp Generations Gap: Navigate challenges in today's workplace


In the rapidly growing business world of today, organizations are propelled forward by a highly diverse workforce, encompassing varying thoughts, cultures, religions, beliefs, perspectives, and different stages of growth.

If not appropriately addressed, this diversity can become a significant challenge for organizations, known as the "Generation Gap" Organizations must prioritize the consideration of this issue to effectively handle and bridge the understanding gap between generations.

This allows employees within the organization to coexist harmoniously and lead the organization towards sustainability.

From differing thoughts and beliefs, organizations are compelled to urgently address these differences.

JobsDB by SEEK, a leading job platform in Asia under the SEEK Group, recognizes these issues. Hence, seekTALKS, an online seminar, has been organized to discuss how to manage the Generation Gap in the workplace.

Duangporn Promon, Managing Director of JobsDB Thailand, stated, "Through discussions and surveys conducted by JobsDB by SEEK, regarding employer and human resources perspectives, it has been discovered that the Generation Gap is not just about differing ages, but also about disparities in thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, and even the diverse growth experiences within each societal period."

This easily leads to problems within organizations and often results in conflicts, causing some employees to consider leaving to avoid such issues. Consequently, organizations might lose valuable talents due to misunderstandings among different age groups.

Therefore, JobsDB by SEEK has organized seekTALKS, an online seminar titled 'Managing the Generation Gap in the Workplace' in collaboration with various leading institutions in the country that share the concept of 'moving forward together.' This aims to help employers and organizations comprehend the evolving job hiring landscape, learn from it, and apply these insights to the current and future development of their organizations.

"Through leadership that encourages knowledge sharing and experience, we aim to foster employee engagement and passion in work, ultimately contributing to sustainable organizational outcomes."

Professor Noppol Noparat, a consultant and lecturer for numerous leading companies across various industries for over 17 years, shared insights during the seekTALKS online seminar on November 17th. He spoke on the topic "Managing the Generation Gap in the Workplace," stating, "When we discuss the Generation Gap in the workplace, we must consider distinct groups. The Generation Gap comprises the Silent Generation, born between 1923 and 1945, often characterized by strict adherence to rules and having undergone hardship, leading to an uncertain mindset. They prioritized dedicating their lives to family and self-reliance. This generation represents our grandparents."

Following them are the Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, who often value dedication and diligence in work, considering work experience as the most valuable and significant aspect of their lives.

Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is characterized by independence and dynamism. They often possess strong work skills and leverage technological expertise.

Meanwhile, Generation Y or Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are known for being forward-thinking, determined in their work, and brave. However, they are also straightforward about separating work and personal life, supporting the value of work-life balance to prioritize happiness in both spheres.

Moreover, they focus on work that offers significant returns and are ready to seek new job opportunities if workplace issues affect their happiness, without hesitation, to find a job that better aligns with their lifestyle. Finally, the group that is increasingly becoming influential in the workforce, albeit a minority at present, is Generation Z.

Born between 1997-2012, they are skilled in utilizing technology and possess robust digital skills. This generation is expected to play a crucial role in the workforce in the future.

Managing the Generation Gap, or working with a multi-generational workforce, involves respecting differences while increasingly accepting one another's individuality.

The first step is to be open and listen to everyone empathetically, understanding their perspectives, knowledge, and the experiences each age group has encountered.

Secondly, there should be an increase in acknowledging the points of pride for others. Commendation acts as encouragement enhances happiness, and reinforces teamwork toward greater success.

Thirdly, it's crucial to provide the essential information necessary for understanding each age group. Fourthly, creating options that arise from differences will allow work to be approached from multiple viewpoints and dimensions.

Lastly, expressing gratitude for the diverse assistance coming from the various points of pride within each age group fosters mutual respect and appreciation.”

Apart from bridging the generation gap, organizations should focus on work flexibility to create a better work-life balance. This includes tailoring benefits to suit each age group, easing certain work constraints like Hybrid Work, or allowing flexibility in taking leave, such as the accumulation or modification of vacation days.

Lastly, organizing activities to enhance the individual's identity across different age brackets can help harness the potential of each person for the development of the organization.

“If we believe that intergenerational issues in the workplace can be resolved and are not difficult, everyone needs to learn together, particularly in terms of communicating to understand common goals and their approaches.

When there's a shared objective, there's more willingness to listen. Even if there are conflicts, they won't be hindrances to working together in the future," emphasized Professor Noppol. "Besides promoting understanding in addressing the Generation Gap issue in the workplace, JobsDB by SEEK has continuously supported non-discriminatory practices, opposed violations, and advocated for diversity within the organization.

This openness allows individuals applying for job opportunities or organizations seeking talent to have equal rights and dignity because everyone is a crucial cog in driving an organization towards its goals.

Having a diverse workforce helps broaden an organization's perspective and efficiently propels it towards stability and sustainability," concluded Khun Duangporn seekTALKS an online seminar series organized under the theme "Moving Forward Together," held regularly every month.

The topics vary based on current interesting issues. The primary objective is to assist entrepreneurs, partners, and organizations in applying this knowledge to develop both current and future businesses.