River fish festival livens up Nakhon Phanom


The Songkhram River Fish Festival has kicked off in Nakhon Phanom province, adding much colour to the local scene.

Held in the province’s Si Songkhram district, the festival will run until November 21. 
The festival, which started on Friday, features cultural parades, shows, fish contests, fairs and activities to promote the conservation of fish species. 
The event is organised by the Si Songkhram Municipal Market and the privately run Poonsuk Market. Tourists are welcome to get a feel of the local culture and buy fresh fish plus various processed fish products. 
“Our district is well known for its fish. During the rainy season, our locals catch the fish. Fishing generates more than Bt10 million in income for local people each year,” Si Songkhram district chief Pirapol Leula said on Sunday.
The Songkhram Festival has been held annually for the past 16 years. Locals from 109 villages join hands in organising the event to tell their local way of life, raise their income and promote conservation of local fish species.