Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation could help CLMV under AEC


The Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG), a state-owned specialised financial institution under the supervision of the Finance Ministry that serves to guarantee loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, is of interest to international organisations

Wichet Warakul, TCG senior executive vice president for the business group, said the AEC should help expand trade and investment for SMEs in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, Vietnam and Malaysia among one another. 
Regional trade and commerce are gradually being transformed towards cross-trading, which should boost trade among the CLMV nations and the other countries in that group. This transformation offers good opportunities for the TCG to expand its role to help neighbouring countries set up credit-guarantee institutions and upgrade to back-to-back credit guarantees for investors who trade across countries. 
This would also allow Thai SMEs that invest in those countries to obtain loans backed by the TCG. 
The CLMV countries are studying TCG’s credit-guarantee model, Wichet said.