Entrepreneurs invited to join govt’s Thaitrade.com

MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2017

The Department of International Trade Promotion is encouraging entrepreneurs to subscribe to Thaitrade.com, the country’s official international ecommerce marketplace.

Thaitrade.com was launched in July 2011. It is designed to help buyers from all over the world to trade with Thai exporters. It is also the centre of Thailand’s most complete commercial information online.
The department says website members enjoy many benefits such as the opportunity to bring their products and services to the world market via ecommerce, establishing a channel for communication between manufacturers and buyers. They can launch products and services to consumers or importers directly.
Thaitrade.com is open 24 hours a day. It has been marketed and promoted both domestically and internationally through both online and offline channels through 58 Thai international trade offices in 42 countries worldwide.
It also has a network of allies such as Thai Post and Bangkok Bank.
Thai entrepreneurs are screened for quality standards by a committee appointed by the department before they can join the project. Membership is free of charge.
Members receive information and marketing analysis from experts through an enewsletter, as well as intensive training on how to use online media to trade for optimal benefits. They can apply for various activities organised by the department such as trade expos and business matching. There is also an online support team and online chat 24 hours a day, seven days a week.