Ministry, Moovit team join for public transport app


THE GREATER Jakarta Transportation Agency (BPTJ), part of the Transportation Ministry, has reached a deal with transportation app Moovit Indonesia to provide integrated information on public transportation in Jakarta and its neighbouring cities.

With a downloadable application for iOS and Android smartphones, Moovit provides routes for all public transportation options to help people move more effectively throughout Greater Jakarta.
The app is expected to encourage people to shift from private vehicles to public transportation, BPTJ acting head Bambang Prihartono said.
“Our target is to increase the share of public transportation to 40 per cent by 2019 from 20 per cent at present,” Bambang said as quoted by on Monday.
Moovit Indonesia director Teguh Trianung noted the low popularity of public transportation among Indonesians, particularly those who live in Greater Jakarta.
“The challenge is that we need to continuously update (the data) so that we can provide, for example, real-time schedules of public transportation,” he said. The app, which is already available in 1,300 cities and 75 countries worldwide, covers 612 out of the total 700 public transportation routes in Greater Jakarta.
The company has been collecting data on public transportation for two years ago by working with various authorities and stakeholders, such as the operator of the Kopaja minibuses.
The BPTJ expects public transportation providers like city-owned Transportasi Jakarta and state-owned railway operator Kereta Api Indonesia to join the partnership to help ease the city’s transportation problems.