eBay strategy to help Thai users sell their products


TO CREATE confidence and help sellers improve their products, eBay has come out with a strategy to support them in Thailand. It expects to achieve revenue growth in the double digits in the Thai market this year.

Country manager Boonphan Boonprayoon said the strategy had two parts – to encourage sellers to start their own online retail business and to expand to the global market. 
eBay will provide a structured data-driven platform and an integrated plan to enable sellers to be active and successful in the global online market. With the innovative platform, sellers will be equipped with detailed marketing insights to grow their eBay |business, while buyers can find items faster and sooner with better-curated and personalised catalogues. 
The firm says it continues to develop artificial intelligence to improve personalisation for buyers while enabling sellers to do market research, and more easily track sales performance. 
It is also delivering more targeted product suggestions to buyers so that they can make purchasing decisions easier and faster. 
The technology allows sellers to keep growing their business and increasing sales. 
The DataLabs system has been introduced to help sellers analyse a massive amount of customer-behaviour data with cross-category browsing to discover the most popular items based on price, quality and number of listings. 
It will enable sellers to create a focused and well-informed marketing plan to boost their online sales.
Self-learning channels are provided for local sellers, which is an online community of Thai buyers and sellers. 

B-to-B platform 
A business-to-business-to-customer platform is being offered involving creating an ecosystem that enable sellers, suppliers and providers of information-technology services and logistics to benefit from eBay’s platform. 
That is meant to boost the sustainable capacity of Thai sellers in the global online retail market. 
The three most popular categories for Thais to sell on eBay to the global market are jewellery, auto parts, and health and beauty products. 
The four fastest-growing categories are home furnishing, health and beauty, auto parts and home improvement. 
The top three destinations are the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. 
eBay now has 169 million active buyers in the world who choose from more than 1.1 billion listed items in the eBay marketplace. 
This is a great opportunity for sellers to provide their products |to meet the demand of customers |in the global market, Boonphan said. 
eBay’s gross sales reached US$20 billion (Bt680 billion) in the first quarter of this year in the global market.
“We allow sellers worldwide to complete a transaction seamlessly anywhere in the world, while enabling buyers to have easier access to more than a billion items, helping them find exactly what they are looking for,” he said.