Royal Canin eyes bigger chunk of pet food market

MONDAY, JULY 09, 2018

Royal Canin (Thailand) Co Ltd, a producer and distributor of pet nutrition products, plans to spend Bt200 million to accelerate its strategy for educating the owners of dogs and cats. 

Royal Canin and its partners will increase distribution channels and focus on proactive digital marketing to achieve 15 per cent growth and a bigger share of the Bt1.3-billion Thai market, managing director Dr Chadon Suwanarit said on Monday.
Chadon said the Thai market for pet products in general was worth Bt2.5 billion-Bt2.6 billion and for pet food more than Bt1.3 billion, 45 per cent of the total market value. 
More than 20 brands of imported and domestically made pet food are sold in Thailand, he said, a number that’s grown in the past five years with the rising popularity of household pets.