Japanese minister pledges to reduce restrictions on Thai oranges, mangosteen

THURSDAY, MAY 05, 2022

Japan’s visiting Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Kaneko Genjiro promised his Thai counterpart Chalermchai Srion on Thursday that his country would make it more convenient to import oranges and mangosteen from Thailand.

Speaking to reporters after meeting Genjiro at the Agriculture Ministry, Chalermchai quoted his Japanese counterpart as saying that he would speed up adjustment of the rules to within this year to smoothen the way for imports of the two types of Thai fruit.

During the meeting, the two sides congratulated each other on the success of earlier consultations on technical issues that hampered fruit exports to Japan.

Thana Chiravinij, secretary to the agriculture minister and the permanent secretary for Agriculture, as well as heads of departments under the ministry attended the meeting.

Chalermchai said the meeting, along with one between the prime ministers of the two countries on May 2, served to strengthen ties.

“This was the first physical meeting in several years,” Chalermchai noted. Japanese minister pledges to reduce restrictions on Thai oranges, mangosteen

“This year commemorates the 135th anniversary of diplomatic ties, with the two nations cooperating on various issues, especially in agriculture.”

Chalermchai said Japan is the second biggest market for Thai agricultural products and food.

He said exports of food and agricultural goods to Japan from 2019 to 2021 constituted 11.35 per cent of all Thai exports.

The value of food and agricultural product exports to Japan has averaged THB144.82 billion a year. Exports included processed chicken, frozen chicken, pet food, tuna and smoked rubber sheets, Chalermchai said.

He said Thailand enjoyed a trade surplus of some THB130 billion a year for agricultural products.

Japanese minister pledges to reduce restrictions on Thai oranges, mangosteen During the meeting, the two sides learned that both countries had similar policies to promote the Bio-Circular-Green Economy model in agricultural, he said.

Chalermchai said the policies were aimed at using technologies and local wisdom to raise standards and increase production and hygiene.

According to Chalermchai, Genjiro also agreed to strengthen cooperation with Thailand on agricultural studies and research for sustainable production of food and agricultural products by 2030.

Additionally, the Japanese minister pledged to exchange knowledge and experience with Thailand on developments to make agricultural products more attractive for international markets, Chalermchai added.