Industry Min in talks with Toyota over new Euro emission standard

MONDAY, JUNE 05, 2023

Industry Ministry officials have met with giant automaker Toyota as Thailand prepares to impose long-delayed European emission standards to tackle its chronic PM2.5 air pollution problem.

Under the latest Euro 6 standard, newly manufactured cars must average CO2 emissions below 98 grams per kilometre. The Euro 6 standard also targets nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), which are considered some of the most hazardous emissions. However, Thailand still uses the Euro 2 standard, which was introduced 26 years ago in Europe and has since been superseded by much tighter restrictions.

The Thai government originally planned to enforce Euro 5 and 6 standards in 2021 and 2022, but postponed Euro 5 until January 1, 2024, citing economic damage caused by Covid-19.

The Industry Ministry recently held talks with Toyota Motor Thailand’s chairman Kalin Sarasin and president Noriaki Yamashita in preparation for the Euro 5 deadline next year.

The government has delayed Euro 6 enforcement to 2025 for small petrol-powered vehicles, and 2026 for large petrol vehicles and all diesel vehicles.

Thailand regularly topped the rankings for the world’s most polluted cities earlier this year, with Chiang Mai, Bangkok and other areas suffering dangerously high levels of PM2.5.

Linked to early death from lung and heart conditions, PM2.5 pollution is blamed on forest and agricultural burning, industrial emissions, and vehicle exhaust.