Travel tech company profiles emerging travel ‘tribes’


Global travellers will prioritise unique experiences, sustainability, and more technological innovation over the next 10 years, according to a study released by travel technology company Amadeus.

The study examined forces transforming travel, as well as emerging traveller traits, behaviours, and preferences, to pinpoint what travellers will want a decade from now, Karun Budhraja, Amadeus senior vice president for marketing in the Asia Pacific region, told a media briefing at the company’s Singapore office.

The study identifies four “Traveller Tribes” that will develop over the next decade and likely be dominant in 2033.

They are “pioneering pathfinders” (43%), “excited experientialists” (25%), “memory makers” (17%), and “travel tech-fluencers” (15%).

“Pathfinders” live fast-paced lives and are always looking for their next adventure, Budhraja said. Most (82%) are between the ages of 23 and 41.

This group is more willing than others to let sustainability influence their travel decisions and is very comfortable using alternative payment methods, Budhraja said.

“Experientialists” are more likely than other travellers to act on instinct and prefer less predictable and more exciting lodging experiences, he said. Almost half of them are single and they have high-paying jobs with a flexible schedule, he added.

“Tech-fluencers” are the most familiar with using technologies to make their lives easier, but they are the group most concerned about data security, Budhraja said.

“Memory makers” take a more straightforward approach to travel, focusing on making memories and visiting places, Budhraja said. They are older – 44% are over the age of 42 – but travel regularly.

Karun Budhraja

"For them, the future can be a frightening prospect,” Budhraja said.

“They prioritise people over technology and sustainability [and are] reassured by existing methods [of travel]," he added.

Thai tourists fall into the same four categories: half are pathfinders, 23% are experientialists, 15% are tech-fluencers, and 12% are memory makers.

The study indicates that many travellers will be open to new and emerging technologies, and will want to travel in more sustainable ways.

Travel tech company profiles emerging travel ‘tribes’

However, with some travellers concerned about the proliferation of technology and the growing need for cyber-security and data privacy, the industry must ensure that all travellers benefit from technological advances.

"The travel landscape in Asia Pacific markets is incredibly diverse. As the travel industry evolves, the Traveller Tribes report identifies what matters most to Asian Pacific travellers, such as sustainable travel or emerging technologies. Their behaviours and the values they seek in travel will shape the industry in 2033 and beyond," Budhraja said.

Fred Barou, Amadeus’ senior vice president for customer success management in the Asia Pacific region said travellers are excited by the ability to reach destinations more quickly. They also want sustainable travel, fewer problems with technology, and more diverse payment methods, Barou said.

The survey helps travel agencies and related businesses become aware of what technologies they should look for, he said.

Fred Barou

Biofuel could be the next game changer in the travel industry, he said, adding that cashless payment, cryptocurrency, data security, and biometrics are playing a bigger role in travel.

While technology may make travel easier in many ways, travel agencies and other tourism businesses still have a role to play, he said. They need to be more focused and personalised in their service, he explained.

The study is based, in part, on a survey of 10,000 travellers in 15 countries.

Northstar Research Partners was partnered to conduct the study.