BTS fares


Bangkok residents from May 1 will have to pay Bt15 for BTS rides on the stretch from the station of Onnut to Baring station which has been in operation free of charge since last year.

 Deputy Bangkok Governor Theerachon Manomaipibul said fee will be collected from passengers travelling on the five stations comprising Bang Chak, Pannawithi, Udomsuk, Bangna and Baring stations which are the new extension of the BTS.

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration had earlier resolved to exempt fee for the route when it started operation on August 12 to January 1 and later extended the fee exemption to the end of April to help people affected from flooding.
Theerachon said the BMA and the Krungthep Thanakom Co, Ltd decided that the suitable fare for the stretch of five stations was Bt15.
The Bt5.3 km extension on Silom route from Wongwianyai to Bang Wa will be in operation on December 5 this year, he added.