Scholarships, funding for young entrepreneurs


The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC), the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Sirivadhanabhakdi Foundation are recruiting applicants for the Beta Young Entrepreneur scholarships, which support a bachelor's degree programme and offer funding


The three institutions are joining hands to offer full scholarships for the entire four-year bachelor’s programme. Students will have an opportunity to study with business gurus from leading companies in Thailand and also get funding to start up their businesses. The programme offers the skills, knowledge, ethics and social responsibility to create young businesspeople.
Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate. Applicants must not be over 20 years of age and must have a minimum GPA of 2.50. They must be of good behaviour and plan to be entrepreneurs in the future. Selected applicants will receive free tuition for four years, sponsored by the Sirivadhanabhakdi Foundation. The scholarship can be applied for via or in person at UTCC from now until February 9. For more information, call (02) 697 6000 or (02) 697 6781-3.