Father allegedly kills four children


A Thai father allegedly shot dead his four young children aged 5 to 15, in their duplex home in Trang’s Palian district out of alleged rage after failing to reunite with his estranged wife, police said.

As time of press, police laid siege to the next-door house where the armed man Pornpichit Yongsata, 40, barricaded himself inside, after having allegedly killed his two sons and two daughters in the family’s house.
The man insisted that he wanted to meet his wife, whom he divorced five months ago, and threatened to kill himself and her.
While police was negotiating with the father, another police team managed to use a ladder into the secondfloor bedroom to remove the bodies of the children at around noon and sent their bodies to the Palian Hospital’s morgue. 
Neighbours heard gunshots at around 2am but many thought they were firecrackers until a relative living in the opposite house noticed the children didn’t go out to school and went over to see the bodies and alerted police.