Tycoon Vikrom angry over being ‘unfairly’ judged in hornbill affair

FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016

Tycoon Vikrom Kromadit Friday vowed to defend himself against allegations he kept protected hornbills.

“I will consider taking action to ensure I receive justice,” he said during his CEO Vision radio programme. 
Vikrom, who chairs the Amata Corporation and the Amata Foundation, lamented that society had lashed out at him over the allegation even after he had done a lot for the country, including donating money to bird conservation groups. 
“Why is the society being so unfair to me?” he said. 
Vikrom is in hot water after he posted a photo of himself with a bird on Facebook. Conservationists quickly identified the bird as a hornbill and urged the Department of National Parks, Plants and Wildlife Conservation to investigate.