Telecom Association vice president jailed for reckless driving

FRIDAY, APRIL 07, 2017

Telecommunications Association of Thailand vice president Prasong Reungsirikulchai was found guilty of reckless driving yesterday and jailed for 15 days and fined Bt5,000.

A source at the Udomsuk Police Station, which is responsible to the case, said 49-year-old was sentenced at Phra Khanong Provincial Court on Friday
The court also ordered that Prasong’s car should be impounded and suspended his driver’s licence for six months. Prasong was released on Bt30,000 bail.
Prasong’s reckless driving, where the court heard he cut in front of other vehicles and stopped in the middle of road in the Prawet area on Thursday morning, was captured on video footage that went viral in Thai social media. 

Prasong tested negative for alcohol or other substance abuse. He told police, when he surrendered on Thursday afternoon, that his action was meant to teach other drivers a lesson for driving too slowly.