‘Mask’ scheme encourages shy women to take cancer tests

SUNDAY, MAY 07, 2017

Inspired by “The Mask Singer” TV talent show, a hospital in Kamphaeng Phet province has found a creative way to help women feel more comfortable about undergoing screening tests for cervical and breast cancers.

“We have prepared masks for them. They are welcome to cover their full face before they turn up at the hospital to get the tests,” Tambon Sa Kaew Administrative Organisation’s chief executive Suwan Supakijcharoen said on Sunday. 
He said the mask idea came up during a meeting with relevant officials, including the director of the Tambon Nong Klod Health Promotion Hospital in Kamphaeng Phet. 
“This way, doctors who provide the tests do not see their face,” he said, “We have even let women wear masks back to their homes. They can assign anyone else to return the masks to us later on”. 
Medical staff also wore masks to make the women feel more comfortable when registering for the tests. 
The results of the Mask Papsmear were impressive. This year, up to 50 female mask-wearers turned up for the free screening tests offered through the Health Security Fund. 
In previous years, fewer than 20 women took the tests. 
Many women in Thailand feel too shy to check whether they have developed breast or cervical cancer, as the process will require them to be partially naked. 
Because of embarrassment involved, women do not seek the free tests even when the risks are high. 
Statistics show breast and cervical cancer are top killers of women, with cervical cancer claiming seven lives a day. 
Suwan said women aged 35 or older should be screened for cervical and breast cancers. If these diseases are detected at an early stage, the patient can make a full recovery.