Passengers complain of overcharging taxis at bus terminal


A female passenger has complained on a popular Facebook page that taxi drivers at Mor Chit bus terminal are exploiting the long queues to try to overcharge passengers by refusing to use their meters.

The complaint was posted at about 9.30pm on Sunday on the @queentogetherisone page, which posts public complaints.
It drew more than 8,800 reactions and was shared more than 400 times in just one hour.
The post showed passengers queueing for taxis at the terminal, while the unnamed woman recounted in her post how a man in non-taxi uniform approached the long queue to shop for passengers.
He asked the woman where she wanted to go and then shouted to another person going to the same place: “Do you want to travel together? We'll charge Bt350 each,” the woman quoted the man as saying.
She said another taxi driver spoke to a woman in the queue, who walked after him but returned soon after, saying that her had refused to use his meter.
The woman complained in the post that passengers had been left to wait in three queues with no officials on hand to manage the situation, allowing some taxi drivers to take advantage of those who could not wait until it was their turn.