The Mall Group aims to keep shoppers spending in Midnight Sale campaign


The Mall Group is turning to a Midnight Sale campaign in the hope of keeping consumer spending momentum going after the end of their early March campaign, Made in Summer.

Every branch of The Mall, Emporium, EmQuartier and Paragon Department Stores will offer 40 per cent savings for Citi M Visa cardholders and visits from the Midnight Sale troop from March 29 to April 4.
Surprises for shoppers include the troops who will bring cheers to shoppers on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and gifts at 13.00, 17.00 and 19.00 hours, said Nonglak Lohamanop, group general manager for corporate promotion in a Thursday press release.
There will be additional discounts and special offers. The top three spenders using M Card and Citi M Visa cards will receive a luxurious accommodation package at Keemala Phuket worth Bt300,000. 
Coupled with customer traffic and activities, the seven-day campaign is expected to generate over Bt1.2 billion in sales revenue.