BIGO spreads its wings, prepares to move into India


Singapore based BIGO Technology Pte Ltd has announced that it will be opening up regional centre in three other major regions before the end of 2019, starting with India. 

This announcement, which comes just 3 years after its start-up, proves that the Singapore based internet technology company is poised for explosive growth. 
The US$100 million investment in India is significant as BIGO is the first Singapore internet company to step into the global arena and take significant leaps to become a leader in the industry.
The expansion will create jobs for more than 1,000 Indians and create opportunities for cross-country learning for both Singaporeans and Indians. The company currently has more than 40 patents in VoIP/Video-related technology with 60 pending patents in the pipeline. The move represents a significant step for Singapore as it joins the ranks of big wigs in the industry, all currently owned by foreign entities. BIGO’s expansion will bring the total number of offices to 20 regional offices and 4 regional centres by the end of 2019, Jason Hu, CTO for BIGO Technology said on Monday.