Water trucks told to avoid Patong Hill over Songkran

MONDAY, APRIL 08, 2019

Water truck operators will be asked to stop crossing the notorious accident black spot Patong Hill on April 13 (Songkran Day).

The announcement was issued by Patong Traffic Police Chief Lt Col Lert Pokhwang. The statement reads: “April 13 will be Songkran Day. There will be many road users on that day and this heightens the risk of incidents on the road.
“For safety reasons, water truck operators will be asked to stop crossing Patong Hill (Phra Baramee Road No 4029) on April 13 from 6am to midnight.”
However, past experience of such requests and bans on buses and trucks not to use the Patong Hill road, indicate the instruction is likely to go largely ignored.
Phuket is facing water shortages with the island’s catchments at critical lows, but island officials insist everything is “okay” and there are sufficient supplies to last until the rainy season arrives.