BMA officials pay respect to King’s portrait

SATURDAY, MAY 04, 2019

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration governor Aswin Kwanmuang led BMA officials to pay respect to the royal portrait of His Majesty the King to mark the royal coronation on Saturday morning.


BMA officials pay respect to King’s portrait Aswin said in a prepared speech that the BMA held the ceremony in appreciation of the His Majesty’s royal activities carried out to help the poor and underprivileged.
Aswin said the King’s voluntary project has done a lot for the country and for the people’s happiness.

BMA officials pay respect to King’s portrait
The BMA held the rite to express the BMA official’s loyalty to the King and to wish the King happiness, good health and a long life.
Aswin then led officials to sign a book of good wishes for the King in front of the royal portrait.