Sa Kaeo border shipments see Bt20-bn bump over 2018


Goods movement between Thailand and Cambodia at the Sa Kaeo border in fiscal 2019 has reached Bt130.5 billion, up approximately Bt20 billion from the previous fiscal year, On Unthaweesup, an Aranyaprathet Customs Officer, told a reporter on Wednesday at the Ban Khlong Luek border checkpoint in Sa Kaeo.

“Thailand’s export value to Cambodia was at Bt87.53 billion, while import was at Bt16.02 billion,” he said.
The top five products exported to the Cambodian market were non-carbonated beverages, cars, motorcycles, motorcycle parts and engines. The top five products imported from Cambodia were tapioca, motor components made of aluminium, aluminium scrap, copper scrap and dog food.
“The three factors for the increase in the value of goods crossing the border are the increasing purchasing power of Cambodian citizens, the use of the border for goods ultimately destined for Vietnam, and the increased convenience of cross-border shipments since the expansion of the Ban Kao Din border checkpoint.” he said.
The market value will further increase after the opening of Ban Nong Ian border checkpoint, he added. “Ban Nong Ian border checkpoint on Thailand’s side is ready to open, but we have to wait for construction of the connecting road and bridge on Cambodia’s side to finish to fully use the checkpoint.”