Returnees from Covid-19 high-risk countries 'should not rush to a hospital'

MONDAY, MARCH 09, 2020

A doctor from Chulalongkorn Hospital has advised people who have just returned from countries at high risk of Covid-19 infection to refrain from going to a hospital right away unless they display symptoms of the new coronavirus pneumonia.

Dr Wassamon Chantharabenjaku said: “After you come back from countries with high risk of infection, it is recommended to self-quarantine at home for at least 14 days and monitor for symptoms like fever, coughing, runny nose and panting.
“Do not go to a hospital immediately for a physical exam or ask for a doctor certificate, as the virus may still be in incubation period and the chance of finding it through examination at this point is very slim.”
“There is no point of receiving an exam when you haven’t shown any symptoms of Covid-19 yet,” she explained.
The doctor added that visiting a hospital when you don’t have symptoms will only increase the risk of contracting other germs from the hospital or spreading the virus to other patients.
“While in self-quarantine, do wash your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitiser,” the doctor recommended.
“Refrain from sharing personal items with others as well as going out to public places or using public transport. Wear face masks when interacting with others and check your temperature every day. Go to the doctor only when you find any suspicious symptoms and inform them of your travel history to high-risk areas.”