Survey unmasks Thais’ viral hygiene habits


An online survey of hygiene habits has revealed how national habits have changed as Thais seek to protect themselves and others from the raging Covid-19 contagion.

The survey, unveiled by the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration on Thursday (April 2), found that 94.03 per cent of people wore medical or cloth masks when they ventured out of their homes. Meanwhile 90.47 per cent cleansed their hands with water and soap, and 85.33 per cent with alcohol-based sanitisers.
The study of 146,372 persons nationwide was conducted on March 24 -25 by the Department of Disease Control, Asean Institute for Health, and Big Data Experience Centre.
Among other findings were that 64.31 per cent of participants practised social distancing by keeping 1-2 metres away from others, and 57.98 per cent were consciously avoiding touching their face.
Meanwhile 53.25 per cent were consuming nutritious food such as vegetables and fruits, 46.23 per cent cleansed their phones with steriliser, and 45.78 per cent covered their mouths or noses while sneezing or coughing.
In addition, 39.91 per cent of people were taking vitamin supplements and 29.05 per cent checked their temperature every day. Only 0.52 per cent said they were doing nothing in response to the Covid-19 crisis.