Narathiwat lifts quarantine for 75 returnees from Pakistan

MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020

Seventy-five Thai students who returned from Pakistan were released from 14-day quarantine in Narathiwat on Monday (April 13) but told to spend another 14 days at home.

The all-male student group and one returnee from Indonesia had been quarantined since March 30 at Narathiwat Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Centre, where Narathiwat Governor Ekkarat Leesen thanked them for their cooperation and waved them off on Monday.

Meanwhile, 39 female students under quarantine at Rajprachanukhra 39 School in the deep South province are expected to return home in a few days.

None of the 114 students has developed Covid-19 symptoms.

Meanwhile, six men in a group of seven Muslim pilgrims recently returned from Indonesia have tested positive for Covid-19.

More quarantine centres are being established in Narathiwat to accommodate returnees and other at-risk groups.