Temple food banks urged to tighten hygiene amid contagion concern

THURSDAY, MAY 07, 2020

Temples operating food banks across the country have been told to enforce social distancing measures to avoid triggering another spike in Covid-19 infections.

Tewan Liptapanlop, the minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office, urged 400 temples to ensure space was maintained between people queuing for food, and limit numbers to no more than 500 people per day to reduce congestion.
He advised food bank operators to hand out queue cards to people to reduce crowding that risked viral transmission.
“To comply with Public Health Ministry’s measure to contain the spread of Covid-19, people must wear face masks, while operators must provide hand wash gel for those who enter the food bank,” he said.
He added that some temples are facing difficulty in paying their electricity and water bills as donations from worshippers had stopped because religious activities were suspended during the Covid-19 outbreak.
“We have instructed the National Office of Buddhism to gather information on guidelines for helping these temples,” he added.