Anti-Covid-19 measures 'keeping other infections at bay too'

SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020

Social distancing is not only an effective preventive measure against Covid-19 but also helps stop the spread of several contagious diseases, a medical expert said.

Dr Manoon Leechawengwongs, a respiratory disease specialist, revealed in a Facebook post that the number of infections of local diseases in April had dropped to levels never seen before.
Vichaiyut Hospital’s report shows that cases of rapid influenza type A and B, respiratory syncytial virus and hMPV Human metapneumovirus has not been found in the last month.
Only two cases of dengue happened in April while there are no cases of chikungunya.
One case of Rota appeared and there was no infection of Noro. Those two diseases generated by a virus can cause severe diarrhoea in both children and adults, Manoon said.
The incidence of these diseases were stymied by the ban on public gathering, people staying at home, the use of face masks every day and people washing their hands more often.