Experiments with hamsters show effectiveness of masks in staving off infection

SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

Wearing medical masks can protect people from Covid-19 infection at least 75 per cent of the time, according to an experiment by a Hong Kong microbiologist, Dr Manoon Leechawengwongs, a Thai respiratory disease specialist, informed through his fanpage on Saturday (May 23).

The doctor explained that Yuen Kwok-yung's experiment separated infected hamsters from healthy hamsters in two cages. The cage of the infected one was placed in the windward direction, while another one was in a direction that received air from the infected cage.
The experiment with the two cages observed three scenarios: first, they allowed the wind from the infected cage to blow to the other cage with no obstruction; second, they obstructed between the two cages by surgical masks, and, third, they obstructed the cage of infected hamsters by using the masks.
The experiment tried to recreate real life situations where Covid-19 infected persons live with healthy persons and all of them do not wear the mask, a situation when infected persons wear medical masks, and a situation when healthy persons wear medical masks.
This experiment over one week showed that in the first case, without masks 66 per cent of healthy hamsters were infected with Covid-19 from the infected ones. In the second case, 33 per cent of healthy hamsters were infected. In the third case, only 16.7 per cent of the healthy hamsters were infected.
Dr Manoon concluded that wearing medical masks amidst infected people reduced chances of infection by around 50 per cent, while wearing masks amongst healthy persons will decrease chances of infection by 75 per cent.