USFDA grants Thai bureau accreditation status on 4 more aspects of food manufacturing


The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has certified Thailand's National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS) as an accreditation agency for four additional aspects of food manufacturing, secretary-general Juadee Pongmaneerat said.

The bureau received the certification on August 30.
“The ACFS has been certified as an accreditation body on low-acid canned foods, acidified foods, seafood hazard analysis and critical controls point, and juice hazard analysis and critical controls point,” she said.
“This USFDA certification will enable the ACFS to accredit domestic food manufacturers on exports to the United States, maximising their chance of penetrating overseas markets and increasing the value of Thailand’s agriculture and food products,” Juadee said.
The certification has been granted under the US’s Food Safety Modernisation Act, which has been in effect since May 30, 2018. The ACFS certification will be valid till May 30, 2023.
The ACFS has previously received USFDA certification in preventive control for human and animal foods under the Accredited Third Party Certification Programme.