Outstanding public debt amounts to 49.34 per cent of GDP


The country’s outstanding public debt stands at Bt7.84 trillon, or 49.34 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), a Ministry of Finance announcement said on the Royal Gazette website on Friday.

The ministry reported on the public debt situation as of September 30, as well as on government loans and guarantees from April to September 2020.
The report said that as of September 30, public debt comprised Bt6.73 trillion of government debt, Bt795.98 billion of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) debt, Bt309.47 billion of debt at government-guaranteed financial SOEs – which refers to a state enterprise that undertakes lending business, asset management and credit guarantees – and Bt7.82 billion of other government agencies debt.
The report also divided public debt into long-term and short-term ones based on the deadline for the debt to be paid. Bt6.77 trillion, or 86.26 per cent, of total public debt has a deadline of more than a year, while Bt1.07 trillion, or 13.34 per cent, must be paid in less than a year.
Based on origin Bt7.704 trillion, or 98.22 per cent, is domestic debt while Bt139.39 billion, or 1.78 per cent, is overseas debt.