Medics from the countryside have helped treat over 150,000 people and found 15,000 new cases in Bangkok.
Both nurses were from the Dan Makham Tia Hospital in Kanchanaburi and were a part of the third batch sent to Bangkok on deputation.
About 400 medics were tested for Covid-19 after they returned to their original workplace.
One of them thought that she had got infected on August 8 after she helped an old lady who came to test for Covid-19. The old lady reportedly collapsed and the nurse helped her without wearing a PPE suit. The old lady was later found to be infected.
The nurse went back to her room on Wednesday and tested positive on Thursday, while another nurse who shared the room also tested positive.
They had been inoculated with two doses of the Sinovac vaccine before they went to Bangkok, but had not received a booster dose.
The nurses said that they were saddened by the development, as they could not work for 14 days.
Meanwhile, one of the medics in the second batch from Nan province was also found to be infected.