Police seek travel ban for Prinn, prominent accuser opposes bail

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2022

Police on Sunday were seeking a court order to prevent former Democrat Party deputy leader Prinn Panitchpakdi from leaving the country after he was hit with multiple accusations of sexual abuse.

However, his highest-profile accuser arrived at Bangkok South Criminal Court on Sunday to oppose any granting of bail for Prinn.

Anna Hathairat, a prominent member of the Ruam Thai United Party, said she wanted to prevent Prinn from escaping overseas or using his authority to threaten other victims. Anna has filed a rape complaint against Prinn.

Police said they will ask the court to make it a bail condition that Prinn does not leave the country, as the suspect has a house outside Thailand and his alleged offences carry severe penalties and involve many complainants.

Five women have filed complaints of alleged sexual abuse by Prinn so far, though lawyer Sittra Biebangkerd said that number could grow to more than 20.

Prinn surrendered at Lumpini police station on Saturday to acknowledge one charge of rape two of sexual assault. He denied the charges and said he would fight the cases to clear his name.

Anna said she would continue campaigning for the Bangkok Metropolitan Council election after being informed by the election commission that she could not withdraw from the race. However, she said she would still be able to handle the legal case.

She was joined in her protest against granting bail to Prinn by pro-democracy activist Thanat "Hi-so Luk Nat" Thanakitamnuay.

Thanat said he hoped the Democrat Party would take responsibility for the case, adding that Prinn had not yet contacted him.