Cabinet approves new minimum daily wages for different categories of workers


The Cabinet approved a standard wage rate for workers in three occupational groups that possess a certificate from the Department of Skill Development (DSD).

Deputy government spokeswoman Ratchada Thanadirek said on Tuesday that the DSD tests the working skill, knowledge, capability and attitude of workers in different fields. Those who pass the test and earn a certificate from the DSD will receive wages at the rates mentioned below:

Five fields in construction:

  • Gypsum board installers: Level 1: THB450 per day, Level 2: THB595
  • Draftsmen: Level 1: THB645 per day
  • Tilers: Level 1: THB450 per day, Level 2: THB550, Level 3: THB650
  • Building painters: Level 1: THB465 baht per day, Level 2: THB600
  • Lightweight concrete masons and installers: Level 1: THB475 per day, Level 2: THB575.

Four fields in the industrial arts occupation group (new):

  • Jewellers: Level 1: THB450 per day, Level 2: THB550 per day, Level 3: THB650
  • Furniture installers: Level 1: THB430 per day, Level 2: THB550
  • Accessory makers: Level 1: TH525 baht per day
  • Niello workers: Level 1: THB625 per day

Seven fields in the service occupation group:

  • Holistic health promotion therapists including those in massage therapy: Level 1: THB460 per day, Level 2: THB475
  • Pâtisserie makers: Level 1: THB400 per day, Level 2: THB505
  • Front office employees: Level 1: THB440 per day, Level 2: THB565
  • Food and beverage employees in the hotel and restaurant business: Level 1: THB440 baht per day
  • Hairdressers for females: Level 1: THB440 per day, Level 2: THB510, Level 3: THB650
  • Hairdressers for males: Level 1: THB430 per day, Level 2: THB500, Level 3: THB630
  • Elderly care: Level 1: THB500 per day.

The above wage rates will take effect 90 days after they are announced in the Royal Gazette.