Myanmar speeds up preventive measures against Omicron variant


Myanmar is taking measures for prevention of the new Omicron variant of Covid-19 by extending quarantine period for those returning from overseas and carrying out tests with the use of RT-PCR, while preparations are being made to provide treatment if infections occur, according to the Ministry of Health.

Plans are under way to carry out three times of RT-PCR tests, instead of two times, on Myanmar returnees and foreign travellers if they have not been fully vaccinated or received testing 72 hours before.

Under the plan (that started on November 3) of restricting travels and movements of travellers entering the country via international and border exits, except for emergency matters, authorities have set new measures such as placing those fully vaccinated in quarantine for seven days and having them tested two times, and placing those not fully vaccinated in quarantine for 10 days and having them tested two times.   

Although the Omicron variant is highly infectious, it is less severe, and there had been few deaths till December 4, the ministry reported.

Some of the domestic flight schedules for travellers from the regions bordering the neighbouring countries have been suspended. For running schedules, all travellers will have Covid testing with RDT technology and they will be allowed flying only if they test negative.

The Ministry of Health is urging the people to receive full doses of Covid-19 vaccines, those who have received the first doses to visit the nearest immunization point in due course and all public members to actively cooperate in the nationwide inoculation programme.