Over 349,000 people displaced by war in southeastern and northwestern Myanmar and need humanitarian assistance: OCHA


About 349,800 people were displaced in southeastern and northwestern Myanmar from February 1, 2021 to January 3, 2022 and need humanitarian assistance, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

The statement said that fighting between the Tatmadaw and the People's Defence Forces (PDF) has intensified in southeastern and northwestern Myanmar.

The OCHA said the fighting had destroyed people's homes and increased the number of internally displaced people inside and outside the country.

As of January 3, a total of 192,300 people have been displaced in southeastern Myanmar, including 87,800 in Kayah State, 74,200 in Kayin State, 7,200 in Mon State and 1,300 in Tanintharyi Region, according to a statement from OCHA.

According to Thai government figures, more than 4,700 people are living in makeshift camps in Thailand.

As of January 3, about 157,500 people have been displaced in northwestern Myanmar: 103,200 in Sagaing Region, 20,100 in Magway Region and 33,800 in Chin State. More than 1,550 homes, including churches and schools, were destroyed in the blaze, OCHA said in a statement.

OCHA said it was difficult for humanitarian workers to reach those in need due to the security situation, checkpoint and the lack of travel permits.

The OCHA said that due to heavy fighting in Kayah State in southeastern Myanmar in December, some partners had to suspend operations and local partners were providing as much assistance as possible to those fleeing the fighting, but it was difficult to meet the needs adequately.

The World Food Programme (WFP) provided two months' food rations to about 100 displaced people in Mindat Township, Chin State, by the end of December 2021, but tens of thousands of people across the country were in need of adequate food and shelter, medicine and clothing, according to the statement.