Train on new China-Myanmar route will arrive in Mandalay in 15 days

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2022

A China-Myanmar train on the new Chongyun-Lancang-Mandalay route, which departed from Chongyun on May 23, will arrive in Mandalay city on June 6 after a journey of 15 days, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar said in a statement.

One carriage of the train bound for Myanmar carries 60 containers of machinery, electrical accessories, cars and spare parts.

The train left China via the Lancang border gate in Yunnan province.

The new route will reduce transport time by 20 days, thereby cutting expenditure on commodity flows by 20 per cent, the embassy statement said.

On May 21, a China-Laos train on a new road-waterway route left Chongyun, arriving in Vientiane after four days, the embassy announced.

Meetings at the union and lower levels have taken place to reopen the Chinese-Myanmar border gates by June.

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Train on new China-Myanmar route will arrive in Mandalay in 15 days