April Fool or Mad March Hare?


I am not sure what to make of the King Prajadhipok Institution (KPI) proposal to review the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) cases.


I checked the date to make sure it was not April 1. Mad March Hare?
The AEC seems to have a pointless task. To allow MPs to let their children and servants hold their assets whilst they are in office, pumping up the value, lets just about everybody get off. To not examine the assets of a billionaire assistant to a minister seems very odd to me. The court cases all took years to kick off. Plenty of time to shed a few billion, get evidence suppressed or disappeared, and to sort out any wrinkles.
Now the Institute wants the cases re-examined after the corpse has been buried in a different place, and let everybody off in any event. The public, which is the victim of the graft, will now pay for its sanctification. Nice one KPI! Serves people right for trying to make trouble for you know who.
Previously I questioned who was the main beneficiary of the coup. Is it a coincidence that the coup leader is heading the reconciliation?
Richard Bowler   