Populist damage amounts to treason


Re: "Wage rise will sink 10 per cent of SMEs: TCC", Business, April 3.


Vice-chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bhumindr Harnsult, projected that around 10 per cent of the country’s 2.2 million SMEs would shut down or move out of the country as a result of the government’s Bt300 minimum wage scheme. I think that was too optimistic.
If we take into account those budding family businesses and first-time business start-ups – which are facing the government’s minimum wage the hardest – the situation is starker. They are at the forefront of the fold list. Even if they survive now, they will fold soon because there is less and less room for growth for them. Only big corporate giants will thrive.
This is a result of the poorly-thought-out campaign by Thaksin Shinwatra’s Pheu Thai Party.
Hence, I suggest we campaign for a law that prohibits electoral campaigns that would harm the economy, or cause division in the country. The maximum penalty of which is equal to that of treason. That way, there will be no more populist practices in our country.
One Thaksin is enough.
Vint Chavala