Where's the tolerance that religions preach?


What was the Muslim protest really about? Was it just a day out? Something to do? The truth is, it's about a dreadful, unimportant film produced by one bitter person, and it would have gone totally unnoticed but for the outrageous response by the Muslim w


If one Muslim commits a crime, should we punish and condemn all Muslims? Muslims constantly complain that we blame all Muslims for the actions of radicals, and yet here they are condemning all Americans for the actions of one radical fool. So where’s the peace? Where’s the love? Where’s the tolerance? I guess it is, as always, a one way street: Islam can do and say anything it wants about the West, but not one person in the West can do as they do? Rather hypocritical, I think. What do you think?
And which was the greater offence – one dreadful video made by a fool condemned by the West, or the cruel murder of four innocent people who were true friends to Islam?
I think these people need to speak to their God.
Tim Devlin