Too many telecom fat cats


I still do not understand why Thailand has to have two state telecom entities, CAT and TOT. Why waste state/people's money on overlapping activities and time-consuming and paralysing quarrels between the two state bodies that are supposed to be doing the


The telecom sector is there for the users. Maybe telecom services could be better and more efficient for users with only one cook in the telecom kitchen?
Also, True/CAT’s claws have been in full swing during the recent years’ telecom battles, scaring competitors and the state telecom regulator. People in the business shook their head over their behaviour. But it has paid off. First, 3G was delayed for years, the former state telecom regulator was made impotent and DTAC was distracted and hampered in its development by false accusations.
Then one of the cats, True, got the 3G auction adjusted to perfectly fit its own will. Later the combined TrueCAT got a “false 3G start”. The same advantage popped up for the constellation AIS/TOT while others had to stay on the starting line for many months before the 3G start pistol finally was fired? More to add for those with a better memory? 
Laws and the justice system seem to have been misused to delay and make obstacles for others without no or little juridical reality in the accusations. But it works! Because the legal system has to go through it – and that takes time. Mission accomplished!
So, it’s very funny now to see the fighting “cat” cosily purring, asking NBTC to forget about expiring concessions, signed deals and the laws regulating the telecom sector. Purrs seem now to be the cat’s tool in its fight to keep and increase its telecom habitat.