Blackening Thailand's name


Re: "THAI chairman confident in standards, pilots", Business, September 11.

Whoever ordered the blackout of the THAI logo and name on the stricken plane at Suvarnabhumi Airport has done immense damage to the airline and people of Thailand. The lack of transparency and professional integrity is so naive as to be comical. As the Thai proverb says, “You can’t hide the death of an elephant with a lotus leaf.”
It hurts our pride even more when we realise the event could have been used to highlight the professionalism of the THAI pilots and crewmembers in saving 300 lives. Despite the faulty landing gear, they valiantly brought the plane down safely. Passengers praised the pilot and crew profusely, while those on the ground, including the chairman, CEO and other staff, unwittingly reduced the airline to ridicule with naive defences and attempts to pass the buck. Certainly, “sincerity” is not the middle name of this airline.
Songdej Praditsmanont