If Manila were to grab Hainan

MONDAY, JUNE 29, 2015

Re: "Australia should stay away from South China Sea", Opinion, June 14.

Wang Hui, senior writer at the newspaper China Daily, is telling the world where China stands on the Spratly Islands problem. Apparently China is now calling it a “reclamation issue”. That would be comical if not for the fact that it’s a bullying grab of the Philippines-owned islands. 

The writer unwittingly drops his guard when he admits that Australia’s policy is to “help contain China”. Yes, Wang, it’s all about containing China, so the bully country won’t throw its new-found wealth and military might toward commandeering other people’s territory. 
If the shoe were on the other foot, China might want to “help contain the Philippines” if Manila started “reclaiming” parts of Hainan Island. I can picture it now – Philippine boats shipping thousands of jeepneys to Hainan, setting up military bases, dredging shorelines, putting in military-grade airstrips. I wonder if the Chinese would mind.
Freedom From Bullies Inc
Chiang Rai