Breast cancer is mostly about diet


Re: "Screening out misconceptions about mammograms", Letters, August 5.

In response to Mr Songdej’s letter, perhaps I should clarify that I didn’t say women should never get a mammogram under any circumstances. But what I’m responding to is the insanity of telling every woman in the world over the age of 40 to run down to the hospital and get a mammogram every year. Breast Cancer Awareness Month consists of little more than that.
Not once during that month will doctors note the evidence linking the vast majority of breast-cancer cases to diet. For example, in his book “The Food Revolution”, former Pulitzer Prize nominee John Robbins writes that wealthy Japanese women who regularly eat meat are eight times more likely to get breast cancer than poorer Japanese women who rarely or never eat it. 
I know readers will say, “There goes Eric again promoting vegetarianism”, but, while the “war on cancer” is a fraud, my way gets results.
Eric Bahrt