Comments welcome, but not insults


Re: "We are back at Square One", Letters. August 28.

Now, I am labelled as an elite Thai by Eric Bahrt, an American immigrant to Thailand. It is somewhat odd for this audacity of being insulted publicly by a foreigner for having my own view in my own country.

Yet, Mr Bahrt has full freedom of speech including insulting the military junta for failure to keep law and order in “allowing” the tragic terrorist bombing at the shrine, and thanks to The Nation, also the freedom in lambasting those who hold different views from him. Yet he holds himself out as having a noble cause in helping the Thai poor against the elite and under the same typical belief of some Westerners that Thailand is facing a class war. How tolerant has this coup leader been? 
Historically, Thailand did have a few failed coups and the “failed” military were arrested by “loyal” military – one leader even got a death sentence. I have no habit of writing through my hat and voicing crassly against anyone.
Songdej Praditsmanont